When I woke up this morning, the first thought that crossed my mind was, how can mums world be complete without a mention of my mums. Yes, you read it right. Mums, because I have two mothers, one who gave birth to me and the other is my aunt who helped my mother in raising me. I feel blessed to have double fold love of these two most wonderful women in my life.

We often count our blessings, offer gratitude to the supreme energy / God…for whatever we feel we are blessed with. However, it is very rare that we express this gratitude towards our loved ones, especially our parents. We take them for granted. 25 years back I had the opportunity of volunteering at an orphanage. Within a couple of days of  this volunteering experience, I realized the true importance of having a home….to be loved….a family to belong to. It is then that I first said Thank You to my mothers….for giving birth to me and for raising me with abundance of affection. It is so important for us, humans, to have a sense of belonging, to be loved, to be cared for….. And yet, we take our family for granted.

My dear readers, have you expressed your gratitude to your parents? As parents, we teach children to respect elders or to say thank you in return for a gift received. We get upset at times if our children are rude to us or they do not understand the adjustments that we have made while raising them. However, are we setting a right example for them? Have they seen us show gratitude, respect and affection to our parents for giving us the most important gift, Our Life?

It is important for us to acknowledge and appreciate the role of parents in our life. When we acknowledge their role, it will help us recognize the importance of our role in our children’s lives too. Not only would it help us to become conscious parents, using parenting skills that will help our children’s development in a positive way, but it would  help us feel good about ourselves.

One Comment

  1. rafatshaikharts February 11, 2018 at 2:59 pm

    Surely gratitude is so important. When we realise the Importance of people’s presence in our lives and how much they do for us. We should be thankful and grateful. And acknowledge that. It only makes the people in our life happy and assures them the worth and importance they have in our lives.

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