Hello Mums! PrernaTherapy from Pune welcomes you to Mums World!

Mums World is ……


Mums World, is an exciting support group for mothers, started as a self-help initiative, with guidance offered by me (Prerna Shah, practicing Counsellor and Psychotherapist) at PrernaTherapy. It is an opportunity for mothers to mingle with like minded women at a similar stage in life. A channel to share the joyful moments as well as the challenges of juggling multiple roles that Mothers play in this modern world. In short, Mums World is a community that facilitates non-judgmental exchange of ideas to allow women to flourish as Mothers while continuing to pursue their aspirations.

Mums World invites mothers to meet in person to discuss the challenges they face as they raise their children. My support and guidance as a counsellor helps them understand the issues from a more objective perspective and the suggestions from the group gives them different ideas of dealing with their challenges. This is PrernaTherapy’s gesture to help women enjoy their journey as mothers so that they can create beautiful memories with their children that could be cherished all their lives. It is to help women preserve their identity and pursue their dreams alongside being loving, caring and responsible mothers.

As a group, we meet on designated days, for a limited period of time. The focus is on discussing and learning ways to cope with issues that the group decides they wish to work on. Besides discussions, participants get some assignments to work on, introspect and bring in changes that are sustainable.

It all started ……..


A decade and a half ago, when my daughter was in primary school. I often used to wonder whether I was a “good mother”. There were times when I would wonder if some of my daughter’s behaviour was age appropriate or whether I was being too harsh or too soft in dealing with some of her behavioural issues . Was I expecting too much from her as far as her academic performance was concerned? That was the time I felt the need to have some like minded friends with whom I could discuss certain parenting issues, who were experiencing similar situations as me and who would not judge my parenting abilities. However, it wasn’t very easy to find such friends….Years went past and I learnt a few lessons from experience and a few from my study of becoming a Counsellor and Psychotherapist. Years later, I thought of putting my idea into practice by starting MUMS WORLD, a support group for mothers.

The name Mums World ……..


The title Mums World feels very apt for the support group since the group is all about Mums and their world. To many mothers, children are their world, their lives revolve around their children’s activities. However, children are not the only part of their lives. They have their professional life, personal life as well as home and other relations to take care of too. To strike the right balance in all areas of life can be quite a challenging task. It is these challenges that we discuss at Mums World.

Stay with us ……


I invite mothers from Mums World to share their experiences. Promise to share my experiences from time to time too………….


  1. rafatshaikharts January 25, 2018 at 2:26 pm

    It was a pleasure to be a part of Mum’s world Pune. Prerna being my therapist has always helped me whenever my kids or I needed her.
    Thank you Prerna for inviting me for Mum’s world Pune support group. I have thoroughly enjoyed mum’s world and the previous workshop conducted by you on parenting styles.
    As for Mum’s world. I would like to share my experience. When we all got together in a cosy setup, it was refreshing and very interesting. As mothers and homemakers we face so many daily challenges.
    All of us were able to pin point many such issue and challenges we face. Seeing other mothers having similar issue like me, made me feel like I wasn’t alone and there are many ways to tackle these challenges. The support and non judgemental opinions from mothers made me feel comfortable to share and receive advice.
    We jotted many such challenges and discussed about our very first and most prominent challenge being “Use of Gadgets” by our children. Hours they are engaged in watching TV or playing games or other things on cell phones. We found solution to not be harsh and limit the use. There was suggestion to download educational games for children and giving them simple tasks or questionnaire so that they use the gadgets in a more resourceful manner.
    It was very rewarding to see how it worked on my children and me as well ????
    Awaiting our next session of Mum’s world in February.

    • mumsworldpune February 5, 2018 at 7:36 am

      Thank you Rafat for being a part of Mums World, Pune. It has been a pleasure to know you and your children. Your experiences, as a mother of two, are very helpful to the group.
      “Use of Gadgets” by children is definetely becoming a challenge to most parents. What should be the age for allowing use of Cellphones? How much time should we allow the use of cellphone, internet, etc. are some of the questions that parents often struggle with. It has been interesting to observe how mothers at Mums World have been able to arrive at their own permissible time limit for use of gadgets by their children. The reduction in usage time, diverting the energies and time in more creative and outdoor activities, dealing with children’s tantrums with firmness when use of cellphone is restricted, limited TV time, ……are some of the challenges that mothers at Mums World have overcome or are working on with ease without losing their cool or sleep. As a facilitator of the group, it is very heartening to watch this journey.
      Looking forward to meeting you soon at the next session of Mums World.

  2. Trupti Dsouza January 28, 2018 at 7:44 pm

    Mum’s world is a great platform . For me personally I get to understand different approaches to a situation. This group of lovely mothers and our mentor, has made me realize am not the only one with concerns. Also love to share my bit with all the participants.

    • mumsworldpune February 5, 2018 at 7:39 am

      Very happy to note that you are enjoying being a part of Mums World. It is indeed interesting to see how one situation can be approached in so many different ways. Pushes our creativity as mothers too, isn’t it!

  3. Garima January 29, 2018 at 2:13 am

    Hello lovely ladies as a mother of teenage son I’m facing many challenges in regular life. But with the help of Prerna & Mums world i realised that these challenges are part of every parent’s life & with some efforts we can solve them easily. This is really great platform for me. I’m requesting & inviting you all mums around please share your ideas & challenges with us on this blog and by joining Mums World if you are in Pune, so we can help each other.

    • mumsworldpune February 5, 2018 at 7:46 am

      Totally agree with you Garima. Mums World has been started as a Self-help initiative. If more mothers join us and share their experiences, Mums World will become a vehicle for further improvement in parent child relationship.

  4. Pallavi Lodaya February 10, 2018 at 12:15 pm

    Great initiative Prerna!! I am sure moms participating in mums world will benefit through this program and moms like us will have the blog for learnings. All the best and keep blogging!!

    • mumsworldpune February 10, 2018 at 1:17 pm

      Thanks Pallavi for your encouragement and support.

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